M.A.P. Modified Atmosphere Packaging 


Extends the Shelf Life of Perishable Food

Today consumers are demanding fresh on-the-go food with little to no processing, however longer shelf life is desired at the same time. With shoppers making less frequent trips to retail stores, the need for a solution that offers better sales appeal has come to a head. Modified Atmosphere Packaging, or M.A.P. Packaging, uses technology to slow spoilage, preserving product quality, keeping food attractive, and edible longer.

What is M.A.P. Packaging and How Does it Works

The air in Earth’s atmosphere is made up of approximately 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. In the M.A.P. packaging used at E. A. Sween air is evacuated from the package to remove as much oxygen as possible, replacing it with carbon dioxide and nitrogen gases to create a modified atmosphere.

The package is heat-sealed so only the modified atmosphere surrounds the product. The films used in the rigid, flex and pouch packaging employ barrier films which contain multiple layers of different materials to prevent the exchange of gases. Once sealed in M.A.P. Package, the product is frozen and shipped around the country.

What is Oxidation
A chain reaction that occurs in the presence of oxygen is responsible for the deterioration in the quality of food products, including flavor and odor. Similar to the browning of fruits like apples and bananas when peeled, deli sandwich meat can go from pink to gray when exposed to oxygen or light. Slowing the oxidation process keeps products looking and tasting fresh longer, improving sales appeal among consumers.

Many naturally occurring microbes grow well when oxygen is present, examples of microbes include:

  • bacteria
  • yeast
  • mold
By removing the oxygen from inside the packaging, we’re able to slow microbial growth and reduce the risk of oxidation, which contributes to flavor and color spoilage. This allows the product to maintain freshness with minimal preservatives.

Oxygen Reduction
By removing oxygen within the package it slows the microbial growth and oxidation reactions. 


Heat Sealed
Only the modified atmosphere surrounds the product in the package.


Once placed in the M.A.P. package the product is frozen and shipped across the country increasing distribution.

Using minimal preservatives while significantly extending the shelf life of E.A. Sween sandwiches is the core of why we use M.A.P. Packaging. Once thawed, our products have a shelf life of 21-30 days. Longer shelf life has tremendous business benefits, including:
  • Reduced shrink
  • Lower spoilage
  • Higher profits

Learn more about E.A. Sween products and packaging